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The Art Instructor at Zenon J Sykuta Elementary School.
The Sykuta Art Program is designed to give kindergarten through second grade students the opportunity to explore the many facets art both in today's modern world and throughout history. The program introduces students to the art making process and popular artists in art history. A variety of mediums are used including paint, oil pastel, chalk, marker, and colored pencil. Students are allowed some flexibility within each art project to creatively experiment and to pull inspiration from their own visual culture to make their art projects uniquely their own. Students are encouraged to present their artwork and discuss how they incorporated the daily lesson on their own work. Many of the art projects are collaborative in nature and coincide with lessons from their classroom curriculum to give students a well-rounded understanding of the content being covered.
Mrs. Wojcik is the Art Instructor at Meadowview Intermediate School.
The Meadowview Intermediate Art Program focuses on integrating aesthetics, studio art, and art history in an engaging, creative environment. Many projects and discussions incorporate art with the classroom curriculum. Lessons include a whole world perspective within the creative process. Students use a variety of mediums including paint, papier mache, fibers, printmaking, chalk and paint. Art history/aesthetic visual discussions make frequent use of projected images through demonstration both live and on video. Students discuss various aspects of the images, such as color, space, line, and form; how these images make them feel; what they see; and what they like and dislike. Knowledge of the artists and the society they were part of also plays a role in students acquiring an understanding of art and the context in which it is created.
The Art Instructor at Southwood Middle School.
The primary goal of the Art Program at Southwood Middle School is the development of an awareness and appreciation of the visual arts and of the limitless possibilities for making art. This class is composed of two major components; art history and art production. Students come in and reflect on a historical painting of the day and are introduced to pieces of artwork that have made their mark on the art community throughout history. This allows for a better understanding of how past artists applied the Elements and Principles of Design into their own works and had success along the way. Students are also exposed to a variety of different Art styles and techniques to better facilitate their own art production. During art production, students receive the opportunity to find their own voice through a variety of projects that implement these different Elements and principles of design.